Singleton Military Area Compliance Upgrades

Client: BGIS - Department of Defence

Location: Singleton

Sector: Defence

Service: compliance refurbishment

Completion: 2021

The scope of works for this project included BCA upgrades for bounding construction, and stair entry and egress points.

Bounding construction requirements included the movement of existing furniture to allow for demolition of the floor structure, internal partition walls and ceilings. A strip footing was then poured under the existing building, to allow for installation of fire-rated Speed Panel walls from the footing to the roof line of the building, creating two separate fire compartments. All Speed Panel was then clad and painted, the floor was replaced and the ceiling made good. These works were carried out on 26 buildings on the Singleton Military Area base.

Stairs to each of the buildings were assessed for BCA compliance and redesigned to allow for compliant landings.

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